this is a story of a sun kingdom in a land of Cavoria, the colourful life of their warriors. a story that would engulfed the readers in no time.

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

Your Guide to Suncreano

As you can see up here is the simple map of our beloved Kingdom, Suncreano.

Suncreano has a capital city called Indigzione. In their ancient language, it means light.
Indigzione is where all the main events in the Kingdom happens. Indigzione is the main, big city. A metropolitan one, as you would say nowadays. It's where Pampino's is, by the way.

While Indigzione holds their economy life, Soleil Castle is the 'government' center. This is where the King, Queen, Princes, Princesses, Knights, Warriors, and other people who helps them live through the day live.
The land which Soleil stands, in actual measurements, is actually as big as Indigzione. Because practically it's another town inside the castle. Because there are blacksmiths, cooks, counselors, the elders and many more, lives.

Soleil has a tiny garden behind it, the one with a lake in it. That's what we called the Mirror Lake. The Lake is so clear and clean that it reflects anything above so perfect, like a mirror. Beside the Mirror Lake there's actually a gazebo which they called the Lantern, because the fireflies lit it up at night and make it look like a lantern from afar.

In the back of the castle, there's a big, never-ending meadow called Bracillo. Actually it ended with lands full of trees that if you walk through it, you'll find a cliff behind it, and meters below, the blue ocean awaits you.
Bracillo is where the resident of Soleil plays, exercise, etc. There are stables, shacks as well.

And then there's your regular forest. In Suncreano, the name's Verdorme. People hardly goes there, and me, personally thinks that it held a secret...

Arckageigh and Seichna is the beaches. Arckageigh is commonly known because of its place that is next to Indigzione, so lots of people work and play in Arckageigh.
While Seichna is forgotten because half of it is covered by wild trees, yet Hector found Seichna very peaceful and beautiful because of the scenery, and its soft, white sands.

Ackaraina and Vermoux is the small towns in Suncreano. Well... we can't call it small either, but it's a minor town. Ackaraina is your peaceful village. Lots of farms and meadows. While Vermoux is the rough one. Though not as noisy as Indigzione, people in Vermoux known as their barbaric actions, but nonetheless, they are all good men.

And that's all we wanna say now! Feel free to ask anything about Suncreano, except the story itself (d'uh). Thank you!


Jalanan yang menyempit dan udara yang dingin adalah perpaduan yang kurang menyenangkan, pikir Yemima. Namun ia bersikukuh melewati rute tercepat dari Istana ke Indigzione ini, hanya untuk menjemput makhluk-makhluk aneh tidak bertanggung jawab yang ia sebut teman.

Perlahan lantunan keramaian merayapi kuping Yemima. Lampu jalanan mulai memasuki gang yang ditelusuri sang putri. Ia pun mempergegas dan memperlebar langkahnya, ingin segera mengakhiri perjalanan singkatnya. Tak lama, hadirlah sebuah papan bertuliskan Pampino's di hadapannya.

Lagu bertempo riang dengan sisipan nada sendu seketika menghampirinya bersamaan dengan udara hangat yang menghembus dari dalam Pampino's. Dengan cepat, mata Yemima menelusuri seluruh isi ruangan, mencari tanda keberadaan orang-orang yang diinginkan.

Matanyapun jatuh kepada saudara sedarahnya yang tampak sedang menikmati dikelilingi para gadis. Yemima pun berjalan mendekat, dan menangkap sorakan kecil gadis-gadis tersebut untuk Hector.

'Hector! Ayo kita pergi ke Arckageigh'
'Bawa aku ke Soleil, Pangeran!'
'Ijinkan aku menunggangi Versil bersama mu!'

Dan tentu saja Hector menikmati setiap atensi yang ditujukan kepadanya. Bagaimana tidak? Sedari tadi ia dipuja dan dimanjakan oleh gadis-gadis jelita.

"Hector!" Yemima hampir berteriak untuk mengalihkan perhatian Hector kepadanya.

Setengah sadar, Hector menolehkan kepalanya, menatap heran akan kehadiran kakaknya tersayang. "Yemima!" Hector melebarkan tangannya, menyambut Yemima seiring dengan senyuman yang muncul menghiasi wajahnya.
"Hector." Yemima sekali lagi memanggil Hector dengan nada tegas yang tak main-main. Memaksakan sebuah senyum, Yemima melanjutkan, "Soleil. Sekarang."

Melihat ekspresi Hector yang masih kebingungan, dengan helaan nafas panjang, Yemima berusaha mengucapkan hal yang ingin disampaikannya sekali lagi.
"Bukankah kau berjanji untuk menemani Raja Phidias bermain catur, Hector?" dia berusaha mengucapkannya semanis mungkin.
Para gadis tertawa lembut dan menanggapi perkataan Yemima mengenai Hector; betapa hebatnya Pangeran dapat berbincang dan menghabiskan waktu luang dengan Raja negeri seberang, terlebih Ledgetair.

Beberapa detik berlalu sebelum Hector mengerti sepenuhnya.
"Aah... Apakah Dia marah?' Hector bertanya pelan.
Mengulum senyum sambil membalikkan badan, Yemima menjawab, "Ia hanya kesal."